Are you in need of fast cash? Do you have bad credit or no collateral? If so, you may have come across Fast Cash USA in your search for a loan. While their website claims to offer easy and fast loans, there are many complaints about their services online. In this article, we will explore the most common complaints about Fast Cash USA and what you need to know before applying for a loan.
Fast Cash USA is an online loan service that offers short-term loans for people with bad credit or no collateral. They claim to offer quick approval and funding, with loans ranging from $100 to $1,000. Their application process is simple and can be completed online in just a few minutes.
Once you submit your application, Fast Cash USA will connect you with a lender who may offer you a loan. If you accept the loan, you will be required to sign a loan agreement with the lender. The loan will then be deposited into your bank account within one to two business days.
While Fast Cash USA may seem like a convenient way to get a quick loan, there are many complaints about their services online. Here are some of the most common complaints:
One of the biggest complaints about Fast Cash USA is their high interest rates. Many borrowers have reported being charged interest rates of up to 400%, which can quickly add up and make it difficult to pay back the loan. Make sure you read the loan agreement carefully before accepting a loan from Fast Cash USA, and be aware of the interest rates and fees.
Another complaint about Fast Cash USA is their hidden fees. Many borrowers have reported being charged additional fees, such as application fees, processing fees, and even early repayment fees. Make sure you read the loan agreement carefully and ask the lender about any additional fees before accepting a loan.
Some borrowers have reported that Fast Cash USA uses aggressive collections practices, such as calling their workplace and threatening legal action. If you are having trouble making your loan payments, it is important to contact the lender and work out a repayment plan. You can also seek help from a debt counselor or financial advisor.
Many borrowers have reported poor customer service from Fast Cash USA. They have reported being unable to get in touch with customer service representatives, or being given conflicting information about their loans. If you have any questions or concerns about your loan, make sure you reach out to customer service and document all communication.
While Fast Cash USA may seem like a convenient way to get a quick loan, there are many complaints about their services online. Before applying for a loan with Fast Cash USA, make sure you understand the interest rates, fees, and repayment terms. If you do decide to take out a loan with Fast Cash USA, make sure you keep track of all communication and seek help if you experience any difficulties with repayment.